麗訊科技 (Vivitek Corporation ) 全球營運總部位於美國加州,是一家跨國的高科技企業集團,在全球重要的高科技國家和地區擁有多個營運機構及研發中心。主要從事LCD液晶顯示器,多媒體投影機,DLP 數碼微鏡超亮背投電視及大螢幕數碼顯示系統,以及數位影像辨識系統等各類數位化顯示設備的研發,製造及行銷。產品主要應用於政府機關,教育培訓,商務演示及家庭影院等廣泛領域。 同時,麗訊科技擁有個性化的產品線,給全球用戶提供豐富的選擇。麗訊科技在美國北卡羅來納高科技園區及亞州均設有世界一流水平的研發中心,擁有數百名專業 的頂尖研發人才,成為全球僅有的少數幾家同時擁有DLP數位顯示及以LCD液晶顯示核技術的專業光電品牌。 Headquartered in City of Industry, California, Vivitek Corporation manufactures and markets an extensive line of visual display and presentation products, including high-value projectors and digital signage monitors. Vivitek has taken a unique industry position of designing and manufacturing with the best-of-breed technologies in ea台北市內湖區瑞光路186號4樓之A01室 The Vivitek product line includes portable, data projectors, home theater, dual lamp projectors and a full line-up of LED Digital Signage, and 1080p LED HT projector with state of the art, large screen power products. Vivitek products are available in the U.S. through authorized dealers, distributors, resellers, select retailers, and system integrators and will soon be distributed throughout Europe and the Middle East. The Vivitek Value Promise is the world's best technology at the industry's best price.
